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Novum Organum
Novum Organum
Novum Organum
E-book285 páginas4 horas

Novum Organum

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O livro, também chamado de Verdadeiras Indicações acerca da Interpretação da Natureza, apresenta o método experimental de Bacon para interpretação de dados, que consiste de 2 partes. A primeira é negativa, ou seja, é preciso se livrar dos erros comuns, como o subjetivismo e a linguagem imperfeita. A segunda parte é positiva e contém regras pa
Data de lançamento18 de set. de 2021
Novum Organum

Francis Bacon

Francis Bacon (1561-1626) was an English philosopher, scientist, and statesman. Recognized for his intelligence from a young age, Bacon would develop the empirical basis for modern scientific inquiry—known today as the scientific method—by promoting skepticism and observational experimentation as essential for the discovery of truth and the growth of human knowledge. A central figure of the scientific revolution and the Renaissance, Bacon was recognized as Lord Verulam and Viscount St. Alban during his lifetime and was honored by both Queen Elizabeth I and King James VI for his contributions to society. Bacon was also an accomplished statesman, responsible for drafting early legal documents and charters for the British colonization of the Americas. His career was not without controversy, however, as accusations of bribery tarnished his reputation and barred him from government service toward the end of his life and career. Today, he is remembered as one of the founders of modern science whose theories and methods continue to form the basis of all scientific experimentation and inquiry.

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