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Robgoblin Flynn
Robgoblin Flynn
Robgoblin Flynn
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Robgoblin Flynn

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The Dream World is the place where children's souls go when they dream and imagine. And everything that exists there was created by the kind Master of Dreams, but the Master of Dreams was cowardly killed by the lord of all evil: the Master Nightmare. Robgoblin Flynn is the only entity in the Dream world that will challenge the Nightmare master's immense power. But there is something unexplained about its origin. The soft and tender voice that comes to his aid in difficult times and the music that flows easily from his guitar are the only things in his past that indicate that he may not be the son of Master Nightmare. But who and what, really, is Robgoblin Flynn? He wanders through the forest of Deep Sleep, until he finds the Oreade and the Silfo Azul, and together they cross the border of time that separates the world of Dreams from the Real world in search of the girl Líli: the only human child who still insists on dreaming. After many misadventures in the Real world, the three adventurers finally make it to Lili's house, but it is too late... Silfo moves the compass of time to return to the world of Dreams that is already plunged into destruction and darkness. The colored sun and the three nameless moons have been destroyed and only their fragments float in space... Will Robgoblin be able to save his world from the destruction imposed by the Master Nightmare? This will only be possible if Robgoblin Flynn first finds out who he truly is.
Data de lançamento27 de abr. de 2020
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    Robgoblin Flynn - Valdirlen Loyolla

    Valdirlen Loyolla


    A story about nobody who lives anywhere.

    A certain storyteller told me:

    Every history, deep down is always a story. Because every story has no beginning or end... it is flow... it is rapids... it is river... The story is always in the middle in the rhythm of life, from one margin to another of the imagination, between the end and the beginning of all narration...

    This story belongs to a boy who swam in rivers, fished in lakes, crossed the forest and played the guitar. This boy lives inside me.

    For Cássia, Nina Flor, Gustavo and Luíza. For Leah and all the adults who, despite everything, still insist on dreaming.


    This is a false story, if we assume that truth and falsehood are matters of logic – but logic does not apply to reality or to the world, so it follows that this story may well be true.

    Even if you have walked all the paths of the light of reason, you will never reach the frontiers of truth. Such is the depth of the Creative mind. Whoever enters these lands will never leave them. The way forward is the end of the beginning. The way back is the beginning of the end. The narrow, winding road of truth leads directly to the stone wall of the riddle of existence.


    ...  ∞ ... NO one really knows how this story got started, simply because until today we still don't know what kind of matter or substance dreams are made of – where they come from when we sleep and where they go when we wake up. What is really known is that we dream and, if we dream, then there must be a logic of dreams that takes us from the reality of the real to the reality of dreams and again from this to that again. But this logic is not enough to affirm that dreams do exist, because it is one thing to dream, quite another that dreams actually exist.

    However, that would be a day like any other if the absolute silence of the space of the Imagination was not invaded by the laughter of Líli and Robgoblin Flynn, who, transgressing the logic of the laws of thought, slipped cunningly through the vault of the blue sky of Fantasia and boldly entered, more and more, into the world of Dreams.

    That delightful game, which later would have disastrous consequences for everyone, went on as if Robgoblin and Líli were in a gigantic amusement park, as they slipped surfing in radical maneuvers the purest and most colorful rainbow of fiction across the Fantasy sky. And when they quickly reached the tip of the arch of the Joy firmament, they did not bother to fall and let their bodies loose in the air come in free-fall and on a direct collision course with the ground, towards the hard rocks of the Thought mountain range.

    However, that was a tremendous mischief of malian child defying the very limits of fiction, and the moment they reached the desired height over the mountain of Imagination they opened their arms, as if they had wings, and then shot in a magnificent flight and exuberant, now swift and now gliding like an eagle over the valleys of Illusion.

    Far below the gigantic mountain of Imagination, just after the valleys of Illusion, the immense plain of Desire, covered by an exuberant field of very green grass, appeared and, beyond, coconut trees, palms and other types of leafy trees and trunks very thick they emerged with their very high crowns, bordering the entire length of Sossego beach, forming a great forest strip by the sea of Solitude. And the ocean of Fear gained the vision of the two adventurers, and the girl felt a chill at the sound of the great waves crashing against the rocks of Pain, however, soon the dread subsided and she returned to perform in tremendous joy, and in a burst of laughter, the most amazing pirouettes over the sea.

    Robgoblin Flynn waved to Lily, pointing to her in the direction of the immense shore of white sand. It was time to go down to the mainland and rest. Then they skimmed over the rocks and then landed gently along the beach. Líli looked around the entire length of the landscape, while Robgoblin Flynn silently shook his head at her, warning that entering those lands was not a good idea, since the people who lived there were not very hospitable and did not even come to intimacies with strangers. But, the girl did not seem to care about the friend's warning, because for her it was worth the risk of the danger of the adventure in knowing such a beautiful and exotic landscape.

    To the south of that place sparkled the crystalline waters of a waterfall that formed at the foot of the mountain a large lake, which narrowed through artificially built channels, surrounding on all sides a huge arboretum of different fruit plants. To the north, there was another arboretum of crooked and funny trees, and further on, a small village sparkled all the beauty of their houses in the shape of human brains - that was the village of the cogito-micsis, the people of Robgoblin Flynn, the lords of the world of Dreams.

    At that moment, seeing those strange little creatures in their routine gardening work, growing their flowers and vegetables, a wave of joy and emotion filled Lily's eyes. It was known and known that she had always been in her thoughts, asleep or awake, traveling through the world of Dreams alongside Robgoblin Flynn, but she had never come so close to the village of the cogito-micsis. Then, fascinated, the girl watched those cheerful little creatures at work from a distance.

    The cogito-micsis were a very happy people, but very suspicious. They had the complexion of red skin and green hair, and loved to eat arrowroot cake, tapioca biju, chimango bread and donuts made from puba flour. They were no more than a meter tall, and they also didn't like strangers in the fields of their land, much less in the vicinity of their village.

    Robgoblin was quite different from the other cogito-micsis, despite being one of them, as he was a little taller than the others. And even though he had the term 'goblin' in his name, he was not a goblin, nor a dwarf, nor an elf, nor an orc, nor a hobbit, nor a saci, nor even a curupira, because he had that tapered chin, and his blue eyes were similar to the eyes of an elf. However, in height and in physical appearance he would be a human boy, if it weren't for the leprechal's cheeks and those pointed ears. Long straight red hair gave it the name ‘Flynn’, that is, red. The skin of green complexion, which varied between light green in periods of calm and dark green when he was irritated, made him be in his colors completely different from the rest of his people. And yet he had that incredible ability to fly sailing in his dreams. He himself taught Líli and many other children the art of sailing in thought - the incredible art of flying in the world of Dreams, riding on the imagination, since only he among his people had such power, and this caused great envy in many people. In addition to flying with Lili in dreams or riding his thoughts, what Robgoblin Flynn liked to do most was singing wonderful love and friendship songs with his little seven-string guitar. Robgoblin, in addition to being an expert on flights and an accomplished guitarist, was also a great singer. And when he was euphoric or very happy with something he used to shout, – Boogie woogie bugaboo! – something he didn't even know what it meant.

    In front of the village of cogito-micsis, taken by a girl's strong curiosity, Líli slowly approached behind some bushes and, in silence, watched those strange little creatures perform their daily tasks in rhythmic and loud singing. And at a certain moment the cogito-micsis stopped singing, as they sensed that someone was watching them from behind the bushes. The girl remained motionless amid the branches, assuming that the cogito-micsis had not noticed her presence. But they quickly turned in the direction where she was standing and one of the cogito-micsis heard a rustle of leaves and spotted her hidden. And a loud scream that only the cogito-micsis have passed through the air of the world of Dreams: humans! Cried the cogito-micsis, frightened, and they all ran in a mad rush. Some locked themselves in their houses, others disappeared among the green branches of the twisted tree trunks and disappeared towards the depths of the arboretum ... ∞ ...


    LÍLI was awakened from the dream just when she was in the village of cogito-micsis, in the center of the world of Dreams. And little by little he woke up in the reality of the real world, leaving his illusions of adventures with Robgoblin Flynn. After being woken up, the girl started to think about things as before. She lifted her head and looked at the classmate who came to call her. He said nothing to the other girl. Then he looked down in dismay at the length of the walls surrounding the boarding school. Chestnut trees and other trees stretched along the patio and shaded almost the entire area. Other girls in noisy groups also played there, only Líli was irresolute and had a greater sadness in her eyes than on other days. Then she turned her light brown eyes to the little rag doll she was carrying on her lap, and then directed an endlessly sad smile at the doll, as if she had completely disliked the companion made of felt and cloth. It had been over an hour since she had been sitting there in front of the main boarding school gate, as if she were waiting for someone, and while she waited, she dreamed of her wonderful adventures with Robgoblin Flynn in the world of Dreams - in a way she never she was alone, as there was always the possibility of dreaming her dreams about Robgoblin Flynn.

    Every Sunday her father came to visit her, but Líli had not seen him for over a month. In fact, the girl never understood why her father always kept her away from him and put her in that boarding school. And because of thinking such things, sadness invaded his little heart. He bent his head over his hands and wiped away the tears that were streaming down his rosy cheeks. The light brown eyes, fixed on an angelic face, showed all the liveliness and cleverness and seemed to ascend like the twilight of the fireflies, when he counted with impetus and tone of deep truth those fantastic adventures lived with Robgoblin Flynn in the world of Dreams.

    Sister Lúcia, the Mother Superior, crossed the courtyard and walked towards Líli, bringing a wide smile of satisfaction and joy that touched her lips.

    - Hey Líli, come on, your father is waiting for you in the office hall! – said the Mother Superior calling the girl.

    The girl turned to the Mother Superior, and with emotion she smiled with satisfaction at the news. He got up and put the rag doll on the bench and then took the nun's hand.

    - Aren't you going to take your little friend? – asked Sister Lucia.

    - No, I don't need her sister anymore! – said Lily determined in her intentions.

    - Why don't you need the doll anymore, Líli ?! – the nun asked affectionately at the girl's decision.

    - Because I'm going home with my father, and there I have Xando and Pasha to play with me. And even if I wanted to take it with me, I couldn't, because it doesn't belong to me. – full of pampering said the girl.

    - No Líli, it does belong ... – reticente and enlightening said the nun – I was the one who gave you the doll on the day you arrived here, don't you remember?

    - I remember! – exclaimed the girl.

    - Then. She's yours. You can take it! – replied the nun before the girl's stubbornness.

    - I can't Sister Lúcia – the girl returned in her stubbornness – She lived here at the boarding school well before me and she must also be waiting for her parents, and I don't know if she will like to live with me at my house.

    The nun smiled at Líli's naïveté, and then began to understand that the girl's worries about the doll were deep within her infant's little head of her own fears. Then he said:

    - Why don't you ask the doll if she wants to go with you, Lily?

    - I already asked sister, and she told me she doesn't want to! – said Lily in an endless tantrum.

    - Okay Líli, – replied the Mother Superior, getting irritated by the stubbornness and pampering of the girl – If the doll wants to stay here at the boarding school, so be it. Now come quickly, your father is in a hurry.

    Sister Lúcia realized that there was no way to convince Líli about anything. His opinion and stubbornness always prevailed. The girl let herself be absorbed by an emotional state that always needed something that would take her out of reality. Running away from reality and creating emotions and imaginary situations was one of the things she knew best. And this is not only due to her eight years, since every child at that age uses fantasies, but she had plenty of reasons to always feel alone and sad and only trust the stories she made up. Even with a crowd of people at her side, it was clear that the girl missed her mother, now deceased, as her father, he seemed to care little for her, since he lived only for his company's business.


    THE astronomical system called the world of Dreams is located outside any range of human observation, and its existence can only be determined by intuition. Being different from all other solar and planetary systems it is formed by a single planet called the world of Dreams, by the colored sun and also by three unnamed moons. The world of Dreams, unlike other planets, has no orbits and does not travel around the sun. It is the colorful sun plus the three unnamed moons that rotate in harmonic rotations and translations around the great planet of Dreams. A single cycle of rotation of the colored sun around its own axis is one second of a second times the time it takes the sand to travel through the plunger hole of the hourglass. That is why the world of Dreams is much more enlightened than any other star. However, the time of a single cycle of circular rotation of the sun runs contrary to the time of its translation movement, which consists of the advance of its center along an elliptical curve around the world of Dreams, which causes the Dream years pass very quickly compared to the time spent in other worlds. As for the rotation and translation cycles of the three nameless moons, they mathematically obey the proportionality of time that the colored sun spends in movement around itself and the gigantic planet of Dreams, since the rotation cycles of the sun are geometrically contrary to those of moons, and the translation cycles of the moons are inversely to those of the sun. And, perhaps, it is these inversions between the rotations and translations of the sun and moons that keep the world of Dreams in fair balance with other worlds.

    The comet started a noisy descent towards the world of Dreams. Clinging to the glowing tail of the wandering star Líli and Robgoblin burst into loud laughter with pleasure, especially when the small droplets of icy water came off the comet and hit the faces of the two adventurers. They had captured him when the wandering star passed very close to the orbit of the third moon. And there were already two days that they were in that delicious game, traveling through the space clinging to the icy tail of that comet.

    The stars were moving away at an ever increasing speed as the comet entered the world of Dreams. And it was not long before a few kilometers below they could see an immense field of grass all dotted with white and yellow daisies and also with many flowers leather hats of the most varied colors. So, they decided to land. They released the glowing tail of the wandering star and came gliding in the air, jumping from cloud to cloud, until they reached the soft and fragrant grass of the field. Now, what they really wanted was to know that garden perfumed with daisies and leather hats, to know its delights and everything they could do there. And even before they emitted a single word of enthusiasm or emotion for being in such a beautiful and fragrant place, right in front of them, a magenta colored gnome appeared frightened from among the flowers, and aggressive was immediately asking the adventurers:

    - Hey you! We do not allow strangers in our garden, especially without being invited! What are you doing here?

    - We are travelers and adventurers! – replied Líli with great satisfaction, emphasizing words; then she asked the gnome – What part of the dream world are we in?

    - Why, you are in the land of colored gnomes! – exclaimed the half-hearted gnome and taking offense that Lily and Robgoblin did not know that this was the land of colored gnomes.

    - Land of colored gnomes?? We never heard of it!! – said the two at the same time.

    - Why. – the gnome said angrily – Just because they never heard of it does not mean that other worlds do not exist. Our world is also a possibility, the problem is that you confuse truth and falsehood with existence and non-existence. Know you two, you ignorant in geography of dreams, that our land is very famous in the whole kingdom of the Imagination, and there is not a single people that does not know us. We are well known by philosophical beings, and also by mermaids, cyclops, fire salamanders, magicians, witches, elves, leprechauns, dwarves, goblins, goblins, whites, sacis-pererês, matintapereras, boiunas, boitatás, mules without head, mapinguaris, curupiras, werewolves, centaurs, newts and everything else that lives on earth, in water, in the air or on fire, or that is night or day, and that is part of the fantasy.

    - Sorry, but we didn't mean to offend you. It was just a way of speaking! – said Robgoblin before the angry gnome.

    - And still know you, – continued the gnome, not caring about Robgoblin's apologies – that here we are of all colors, including colors that you don't even know. Here, there's even a donkey-colored gnome when he runs away, or even the color of rotten egg yolk!

    - Rotten egg? Disgusting!! – exclaimed the two adventurers.

    - But I didn't say rotten egg. – affirmatively said the gnome – I said the color of the rotten egg yolk. And it seems to me that you are disgusted by a color? Now, the rules that imply one color are not the same as those that imply another sensation. Rotten egg is one thing, rotten egg color is another.

    Líli reflected for a while and turned to the magenta-colored gnome, who at that point was already turning purple with anger, and asked:

    - What's your name?

    - My name is Ludovico Vitorguestáin! – said the gnome, emphasizing his pompous name; then asked – And what is your name?

    - My name is Lili, and he's Robgoblin Flynn. – replied Líli directly, and then, looking around, asked - And where are the other gnomes, because there are only you here?

    - They? They...? The others? I think... – hesitantly trying to answer the gnome – I think they must be around, taking care of their obligations. Which is what every well-educated person should do. Take care of your obligations. – but Lily was not convinced of the gnome's response and winking at Robgoblin said to the gnome:

    - Well, it is Mr. Ludovico Vitorguestáin, the truth is that there is no donkey-colored gnome when he runs away. There is also no gnome the color of rotten egg yolk. Because donkey color when it runs away is grayish brown and rotten egg yolk is dark yellow! – said the girl trying to displace the gnome and make him tell the truth about where the other gnomes were.

    - Oh it's a baby suckling on a cow, don't you want to? – the gnome provoked – If someone speaks donkey color when he runs away, it is because he is donkey color when he runs, and not grayish brown. Because grayish brown is grayish brown and not another color. And this also goes for the color of rotten egg yolk. Otherwise, why would someone say donkey color when they run and grayish brown? Why would anyone give the same thing two names?

    - You are very angry. – Robgoblin said – Have you become the owner of the truth about colors? Just because the girl argued, you don't need to take offense or be nervous with us, not alone! Calm down.

    - It's ok. I will tell you what happened. This is actually the land of colored gnomes, also called the land of all colors. But one of these days, some very strange guys arrived that were more like shadows. At first they befriended us, and then, when we least expected it, they launched themselves at us with their nets, and captured all my people and all the animals, and took them to work in the mines of the discolored lands, to mine dark steel. Only I managed to escape – but, before finishing what I was narrating, the gnome stopped and said – But wait. You have been asking me questions for a long time, and I have not asked you anything, neither where you come from nor what you are, or even what you want. Are you hunters?

    - No, we are not. We do not hunt for pain or provoke. – Robgoblin joked with the words – We are adventurers, and we travel through the Universe of dreams in search of everything we can know.

    - I just asked why only hunters had come here. Those people are very bad. – a little suspicious said the gnome – But what kind of animals are you?

    - We are not animals. – said Robgoblin – I mean, we have an animal soul, but we are not animals.

    - I did not understand. Are we not what we think, say and feel? – the gnome named Ludovico Vitorguestáin asked confused – Isn't that what forms us and gives us the essence of what we are? If you are not an animal, although you have an animal soul, then what are you?

    - Now, Mr. Ludovico Vitorguestáin, I am a human girl. And he is a boy of the Cogito-Micsis people. – replied Lily, pointing to Robgoblin, and then said – And you know, this is the first time I've seen a gnome. Even more colorful and magenta.

    - My dear girl Líli – the gnome replied – You suppose that reality is made up of concrete things and the names of concrete things, but the real reality is the colors, because nothing more real and first exists below or beyond the colors. Everything is color, time and space are in colors, or rather, time and space are colors, and nothing beyond them, colors are everything we see first, the problem is that we forget that this is a very simple fact and we ended up confusing the simple with the complex, for example, that 'a fact is a fact and that a duck is a duck', and all this confusion just because of an f instead of a d, but , what is an f or a d? Or even what is a fact or a duck? A duck may well be a fact, but a fact, will it never be a duck?

    - Well, it doesn't make sense! – said Lily.

    - Of course it makes sense, because it is a matter of priority to what is said, because there is a rule in the way of saying things, and only a fool would not understand it. Which is not the case for you, as it is not surprising, because your friend is also colorful, and he is even more colorful than me! – said the magenta colored gnome comparing himself to the color of Robgoblin, who has green skin, bright blue eyes and very red hair. – Besides, I had never seen a human girl and a cogito-micsis boy before either. People like that, like this faded and colorless girl, I only met those hunters who showed up here.

    - But we are not hunters, I already said that, and you don't see it, cookie face. – Robgoblin said already getting angry and starting to increase his tone from light green to dark green – We are children and not hunters. We try to love all the things we let ourselves love, including magenta colored gnomes and the name Ludovico Vitorguestáin!

    - Hmmmm... I know... So you love me? – said the gnome, increasingly suspicious of Robgoblin's insistence.

    Then, already completely dark green with rage, Robgoblin scratched his head and sighed deeply trying to calm himself, and then resumed speaking, saying to the gnome:

    - It is not because others have hurt you that it means that every new person you meet will also hurt you. We cannot take the blame for what others have done to you! And if we say that we love him, it is because we love him! And we will help you find your people and bring them back to the land of colorful gnomes, the land of all colors! I will inquire with the elder leaders and find out why their people were imprisoned, and why someone is wanting to use dark steel in our World. – Robgoblin exclaimed bravely to the gnome.

    After making a commitment to save and bring the people of Ludovico Vitorguestáin back to the land of colorful gnomes, Robgoblin's joy returned. And no longer being green with rage he shouted - Boogie woogie bugaboo! - which he always used to shout when he was very euphoric and happy. And just after what he had said, Robgoblin picked up the small guitar and rested it on his chest, intoning a song and trying to brighten the sadness of the gnome, who at that time was beginning to distrust the reality of the colors, then sang like this:

    Parrot is green, so is the parakeet.

    Green parakeet, parrot that is not.

    Parakeet is green, parrot is also.

    Green parrot, parakeet that is not.

    Parrot eats corn, parakeet takes fame.

    To blame others, just a simple plot is enough.

    Weave the thread and weave the thread, weave the web the ugly spider.

    Parrot eats corn, parakeet takes fame.

    To blame others, just a simple plot is enough.

    Weave the thread and weave the thread, weave the web the ugly spider.

    Parrot eats corn, parakeet takes fame.

    Parrot is green, so is the parakeet.

    Green parakeet, parrot that is not.

    Parakeet is green, parrot is also.

    Green parrot, parakeet that is not.

    That was how Robgoblin Flynn and Líli sang for the gnome, who after a while also started to accompany them in singing.


    - HEY Líli! Hey Líli! I'm talking to you and you don't even answer! What's it? You are so far! Since we left boarding school, you haven't said a word. What were you thinking? – asked Mr. Getúlio to his daughter.

    - Nothing daddy! – said Líli, sad and distant, as she looked in the distance, the landscape running fast through the car window.

    - Hmmmm... I know, I was dreaming about your imaginary friend and adventures in magical worlds. Sister Lúcia told me about her stories and her little friend!

    - No. I wasn't dreaming. Sister Lúcia only knows what I tell her. But Robgoblin is not unreal.

    - Yes, it was! You can say. You need not be ashamed. I'll tell you a secret. When I was your age, I also imagined the most fantastic adventures!

    - Really? With whom? With Robgoblin Flynn? – asked the girl excitedly.

    - No. In my day there was no Robgoblin Flynn, but there were others who fascinated me and with whom I crossed many worlds in wonderful games! Aaahhh... What a pity that we grow up and all this is over!

    - It doesn't end, Dad. And it doesn't matter if you're young or old! It only ends if we want to. – objectively Líli corrected her father, then asked – Why are you saying these things to me?

    - My daughter, I know that you are still a child, but it is time to stop believing in dreams or imagining silly fantasies, because you are no longer a little girl. The time has come for you to grow up and put aside such nonsense from magical worlds, secret gardens and enchanted beings. – the father said harshly to Líli, and after a short pause, choosing the best words not to make her suffer even more, he continued – Look Líli, there is a real world beyond dreams, and this is where we live. There comes a time in life when we have to be strong and hard, otherwise reality will devour us. You are growing up and soon you will understand all that I am telling you.

    - Adults are funny. When they are children they believe in magic, in imaginary friends and in worlds never imagined by anyone. The idea that something or someone exists has nothing to do with fantasy or reality, let alone true or false. – said Líli, almost philosophizing to her father – And after they grow up, they start to deny everything they used to believe, calling fools or fools to anyone who believes in continuing to believe in magical worlds. But don't most adults believe in God? And does not God live in a perfect and happy world? And in this world where God lives, there, everything is not magical, because no one really dies and there is no disease and no wars? So why can't the Dream world exist and be true? No dad, you're wrong, Robgoblin is real. It really exists! And if Robgoblin is my imaginary friend, then God is the imaginary friend of adults.

    - This well baby! If you want to keep dreaming about your friend Robgoblin Flynn, I won't say anything else. I know better than anyone that life so far hasn't been very good for you. We spent a lot of time away from each other and your mother misses you a lot. – resigned and very sad said Mr. Getúlio to Líli, then he continued talking in order to calm and lessen his daughter's sadness – I love you very much my daughter, and I love you more than anything in life, and I only put you in that boarding school because I had no one I trusted to take care of you and your education. But from now on things will be different.

    - Because? – asked the girl, instilling her little eyes full of curiosity and emotion.

    - Why, why! Because you're coming home and we're going to be spending a lot of time together. Everything will be the same as before, just like when your mother was with us. – said the father, his eyes watery and full of nostalgia and, after some time in silence, not allowing tears to come to his cheeks, he said to Lily – You know, dear, Dad has something very important to tell you. I think you'll be happy to know what it is.

    - I already know! I already know! Mom's back! – the girl spoke in exhilarating joy.

    - Not my daughter, did not return. – pointed and firm said the father – What I want to tell you is that I finally found someone to take care of you while I am working. The new housekeeper's name is Griselda and she will take care of you when I'm not home. She will be a kind of aunt to you. What do you think? Is not cool?

    - No, Dad! You can't do that. And

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