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The Everlasting Warrior
The Everlasting Warrior
The Everlasting Warrior
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The Everlasting Warrior

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Millennia, a 15-year-old Iranian girl, traveled to the United States to attend college after the rapture of her mother. Trought the Protocol of Rome, the Antichrist took over the inquiry of a third of humanity s tragic vanishing, and with that, 95 percent of the planet submitting the intervention by the prince of flaw usher in a false global peace. Knowing he is evil, Millennia begins to sabotage his plans to conquer the universe, and she succeeds. She joins a group of youthful saboteurs known as YUFI. Therefore, they become his prime target. Daniel Cerxov was indeed successful for three and a half years, the planet experiences a false peace, yet everything is about to change. The earth is ejected from its orbit and propelled toward hyperspace. The earth shook. A new sun, a new world, rises. Amidst his heart filled with hatred for God, he blames and declares the annihilation of Israel. As a result, Jesus, the church, and Millennia fought against the Antichrist and Satan at Armageddon. Jesus kills the Antichrist and imprisons Satan for a thousand years. The church begins its millennial reign and governs the planet from New Jerusalem, willing to spend eternity with her husband, Jesus.
Data de lançamento21 de set. de 2021
The Everlasting Warrior

Ítalo Oliveira

Hello there!Welcome to my profile, where you'll get to know a bit more about me and I'd love to hear about you too!I'm a 57-year-old man who has never written anything before, but one day I had a sudden urge to put all the thoughts that have been bouncing around in my head for so long onto paper. Specifically, I wanted to write about eschatology.Now, if you're not familiar with that term, don't worry! Most people aren't. Simply put, eschatology is the study of what the future holds. And while it may seem like a tall order to predict the future when it hasn't happened yet, I believe that the Bible gives us a roadmap of what's to come.I've spent most of my life studying symbols in the Bible and comparing them to historical events, and I'm now a pastor at a church called IMPAR where I teach others about these concepts.I've been married to my amazing wife, Adriana, for 26 years. We have two wonderful children, Hellen and Sarah.I've self-published several books, including "O Terrivel Segundo maior poder do Universo", "Viagem com Hannah do Éden à Eternidade", "Viaje con Hannah del Edén a la Eternidad", and "Demônios morrem". I'm also working on a self-help book called "Você Faz a diferença".When I'm not writing, I enjoy reading science fiction and action books and watching movies. I love trying to imagine what the author was thinking when they wrote a particular scene or chapter. It's a delicious feeling to be inside the mind of an author! If you have a story to share or just want to say hi, feel free to email me.I live just 200 meters from a beach, but I wouldn't recommend writing while sitting on the sand - I'm afraid I might end up losing my computer (or even my arm!) to the waves.All of my books are available on Amazon.com, Kobo.com, clubedeautores.com.br, and smashwords.com.Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed learning a bit more about me. Don't be shy, send me an email and let me know what you think of my writing!My emails are:the.twilight.friend@gmail.comitaoliveira2023@gmail.comBest regards,Italo

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    The Everlasting Warrior - Ítalo Oliveira


    Therefore know that the LORD your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments. - Deut. 7:9.


    This new best-seller explores the conception of Eternal Life as preached by Christian churches worldwide, who, owing to a lack of a three-dimensional knowledge of eschatological reality, leave many blind spots in their preaching and end up teaching half-truths and speaking in the subsoil.

    To accomplish this, he builds an exciting narrative in the life of Millennia, who was born poor in an Iranian Christian village years before the rapture of the church.

    She survives the period of great tribulation and struggles against the tyranny of the Antichrist and witnesses his defeat before the Almighty Jesus in Decision Valley.

    She marries and has hundreds of children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren throughout the Millennial Kingdom. At the end of that time, she fights against the evil army led by Lucifer himself and also survives another cosmological divine cleaning event. At that time in the entire cosmos, triumphantly enters the Eternal Realm.

    But her adventure goes beyond. It reaches five hundred years in Jesus' future Eternal Kingdom, matching one thousand five hundred and thirty years with God.

    Through this book, the author teaches the concept of who will go through death or suffer the rapture so that the reader can differentiate them from human beings who will enter eternal life as natural humans, survivors of the entire painful process of purging sin.

    Such ambiguity is understandable given that these issues are based on isolated scriptural verses dispersed throughout the Scriptures' thirteen hundred and thirty chapters.

    However, the author meticulously documented in chronological order the most widely recognized eschatological concepts in evangelicalism and Christianity, displaying them in a didactic way in his books and the Journey with Hannah series, with the dexterity of a prospector and a significant amount of communion with the Holy Spirit.

    Once you have finished reading the Story of stunning revelation, the reader should have a three-dimensional mental picture of what will shortly afflict human beings.

    For God never lost control of events and still wishes to be with man forever, as his creature and creation as it was. It's in the garden of Eden.

    Enjoy this beautiful novel.


    Chapter 1 A bright new star is rising

    Chapter 2 The irreplaceable vase.

    Chapter 3 Antichrist rules the world

    Chapter 4 YUFI and Millennia terrify the dread man

    Chapter 5 The Error-Man is a deadly peril to humanity!

    Chapter 6 Chasing the rat

    Chapter 7 Spied spy

    Chapter 8 Secret codes

    Chapter 9 Mouse in the mousetrap

    Chapter 10 Full deratization

    Chapter 11 The tyrannical Antichrist's 5th-year

    Chapter 12 The dry hand

    Chapter 13 Home in Canada

    Chapter 14 Attack again the evil man

    Chapter 15 The trap-bunker

    Chapter 16 So close, yet that far

    Chapter 17 Where has Canada stuck?

    Chapter 18 Fishing with a grenade

    Chapter 19 A brand new refrigerator

    Chapter 10 The world crumbles

    Chapter 21 Is the ship north bounding?

    Chapter 22 Princess meal: roasted fish, caviar, fizzy drink, and fruit

    Chapter 23 Is this my motherland?

    Chapter 24 Amateur radio-YUFI is back

    Chapter 25 Moving to Israel" new continents

    Chapter 26 Armageddon's War, Millennia enlisted

    Chapter 27 Angel's filling the heavens

    Chapter 28 Jesus' Reign begins

    Chapter 29 Christianism is a nonissue now

    Chapter 30 First human colony

    Chapter 31 Journey to Meta9 - An Angel’s name

    Chapter 32 Science thrives tremendously

    Chapter 33 Millennium half" Imperial Planet Millennia 1

    Chapter 34 Satan is free" dislike across the galaxy

    Chapter 35 A unique diamond stone crown

    Chapter 36 One on everywhere

    Chapter 37 The Fifty Years War begins

    Chapter 38 The Valley of the Decision

    Chapter 39 Crossing the Jordan River, Egypt is gone

    Chapter 40 Jesus, the Second Moses

    Chapter 41 Independence from God. The expunged evil

    Chapter 42 Satan's eternal death

    Chapter 43 Eternity has begun" eternal life for humankind.


    Starships cruise at nearly the speed of light across space and hyperspace until the fifty-year rebellion breaks out; the planet will never be the same after that.

    To the victor!When such a ferocious crowd yelled again, it had already been 32 years of insane civil war; there were also conflicts between the Millennials and the church of Jesus.

    Looting and depredation occurred in every city.

    Hannah was also wildly heeding all quads of grief that had risen exponentially across the universe.

    Hannah thought herself adept at extracting fascinating memories and thrilling histories from her Master's prodigious intellect three years after the unforgettable day of the Church's Rapture.

    The day in heaven had been exceptional. She eagerly accessed Jesus's mind to know in person the events of the past, present, and future of human history. And Millennia’s history was one of them.

    Chapter 1 A bright new star is rising.

    15 years before the rule of the Antichrist Daniel Cerxov Natahs, Millennia was born on August 12. A Russian-American, he had absorbed 97% of the world's countries into a single Roman block, under the tutelage of the Codex Romae (the Charter of Rome).

    That afternoon, it was five o'clock.

    Littered with vehicle and motorbike parts was the backyard of that modest house and shrubs that grow in bushes here and there and numerous small crumble piles of feces to hold the animals who lived there.

    Dunes were all around, sanding the air and everyone's nose, eyes, and mouth, implying the almighty kingdom's mother nature supremacy.

    Nearby, well-groomed camels grazed in the oasis, where water was abundant all year round.

    There were less than fifty families in the area but the government was concerned about them and had invested much in cleanliness.

    He found water in a roughly 300-meter-deep water table that had been there for more than 15 million years, according to the report.

    When Samir Abi Kadisha owned that little house, it had been passed on from generation to generation by his ancestors, who had inherited it from his very own.

    In the backyard, especially today, he anxiously awaited the coming of the twelfth, together with his wife and eleven hungry mouths he pledged to feed.

    Marhaba. He welcomed his boyhood buddy Muhammad Zefir enthusiastically when he arrived at the gate of Ténéré's thin sticks fixed with steel wire, a relatively endemic tree in that desert region. He was carrying a lamb around a year old in his arms.

    It was his habit to provide the same gift to his expecting kid; despite not being very wealthy and having to give him an animal from his brood every two years, he didn't mind since he loved Samir and the Muslim traditions of his tribe.

    "Salam Aleiko, my brother."Greeted back.

    "Aleikom Salaamu" Muhammad responded, kissing him on the cheek three times and placing the offering in his hands.

    Even though he was born in Iran, a few homes northwest of his own, his accent was pronounced, evocative of southern Syria. Samir has always wondered why he spoke in that manner.

    Her childhood buddy on adventures played by soldiers of Islam and Christian bandits, often tossing grenades at one other, the weapon had always been a consumer fantasy, and at that moment, any branch of Ténéré became an AK 47 rifle.

    They were never aggressive, and their religious animosity was only a creation of their imagination; no religious hostility against Islam or Christianity was ever witnessed.

    Other friends encircled him, chattering loudly and sipping his goat's milk, anxiously anticipating the arrival of the new important visitor. Muhammad joined them after the customary kiss on the cheeks of the other guests.

    Sheila Kesia Kadisha, the skinny 34-year-old woman, was now writhing and screaming in pain, trying to expel the enormous baby that had taken up 95% of her belly.

    Livid with suffering and pain, she prayed that she would be born soon, a fervent Christian now surrounded by Muslim and Christian midwives.

    It was a tiny town Hadir Ben Qalid in northern Iran, where Christianity had come more than a century earlier, brought by Brazilian missionaries, and had converted 70% of the population; this village was the least Christian in the country.

    It was extremely usual for Christians and Muslims to marry, and cooperation between families used to be rather peaceful, with some members of the family going to a mosque on Sunday and a Christian church on Wednesday.

    Courage, woman!The midwife yelled something in Arabic then said: Be strong, my sister.

    This encouragement gave her the strength to push harder, but it wasn't enough to save her mother from dying during the birth of her fifth child.

    She had seen her friend's eyes looking for hers for the last time in that dark room, among the bodies of the anxious midwives racing around striving to maintain her alive, and had closed them forever, her head on her lap, while keeping her little face in memory as a gift.

    At the age of nine, such experiences are unfathomable.

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