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Versos, Poemas, Pensamentos
Versos, Poemas, Pensamentos
Versos, Poemas, Pensamentos
E-book91 páginas58 minutos

Versos, Poemas, Pensamentos

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Versos, poemas, pensamentos traz consigo um acervo repleto de autenticidade. Dentre coisas da vida real até loucuras de um simples autor, ele deixa explícito a autenticidade em cada linha.
Data de lançamento27 de ago. de 2016
Versos, Poemas, Pensamentos

Ítalo Oliveira

Hello there!Welcome to my profile, where you'll get to know a bit more about me and I'd love to hear about you too!I'm a 57-year-old man who has never written anything before, but one day I had a sudden urge to put all the thoughts that have been bouncing around in my head for so long onto paper. Specifically, I wanted to write about eschatology.Now, if you're not familiar with that term, don't worry! Most people aren't. Simply put, eschatology is the study of what the future holds. And while it may seem like a tall order to predict the future when it hasn't happened yet, I believe that the Bible gives us a roadmap of what's to come.I've spent most of my life studying symbols in the Bible and comparing them to historical events, and I'm now a pastor at a church called IMPAR where I teach others about these concepts.I've been married to my amazing wife, Adriana, for 26 years. We have two wonderful children, Hellen and Sarah.I've self-published several books, including "O Terrivel Segundo maior poder do Universo", "Viagem com Hannah do Éden à Eternidade", "Viaje con Hannah del Edén a la Eternidad", and "Demônios morrem". I'm also working on a self-help book called "Você Faz a diferença".When I'm not writing, I enjoy reading science fiction and action books and watching movies. I love trying to imagine what the author was thinking when they wrote a particular scene or chapter. It's a delicious feeling to be inside the mind of an author! If you have a story to share or just want to say hi, feel free to email me.I live just 200 meters from a beach, but I wouldn't recommend writing while sitting on the sand - I'm afraid I might end up losing my computer (or even my arm!) to the waves.All of my books are available on Amazon.com, Kobo.com, clubedeautores.com.br, and smashwords.com.Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed learning a bit more about me. Don't be shy, send me an email and let me know what you think of my writing!My emails are:the.twilight.friend@gmail.comitaoliveira2023@gmail.comBest regards,Italo

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    Versos, Poemas, Pensamentos - Ítalo Oliveira

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