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E O Vento Levou
E O Vento Levou
E O Vento Levou
E-book894 páginas25 horas

E O Vento Levou

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Sobre este e-book

Scarlet O hara é uma jovem mimada e vaidosa que vê o seu mundo totalmente transformado pela guerra civil americana. Ela deve aprender a viver e amadurecer diante do novo mundo que se apresenta.
Data de lançamento14 de jan. de 2023
E O Vento Levou

Margaret Mitchell

American journalist and author Margaret Mitchell is best known for her epic Civil War-era novel, Gone with the Wind, for which she was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1937. Mitchell was born and bred in the South, and family stories about the Civil War influenced her writing, particularly Gone with the Wind. Mitchell was also an accomplished journalist, writing more than 125 features for the Atlanta Journal before retiring due to an injury. Although Gone with the Wind was the only novel to be published by Mitchell during her life (Lost Laysen, a novella written by Mitchell as a teenager was published posthumously in 1996), she continues to be considered one of the pre-eminent authors of the early 1900s.

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    E O Vento Levou - Margaret Mitchell

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