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Contos sem luz: Volume 1
Contos sem luz: Volume 1
Contos sem luz: Volume 1
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Contos sem luz: Volume 1

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O livro Contos Sem Luz, Volume 1, traz três histórias ordinárias e sombrias. Em "Era uma vez no Hotel Quitandinha", a paixão invoca a morte e a vingança. Em "Viver Mais", a saúde e a longevidade passam a ser o tormento de um homem. Em "Só a ti, Copacabana", a protagonista Dulce, após uma vida calada, tem seu grande momento para falar e passar a existência a limpo. Há humor, suspense, sarcasmo e drama nessas tramas. Somente não existe luz - esta o leitor se encarrega por trazer.

Data de lançamento19 de jul. de 2014
Contos sem luz: Volume 1

Rogério Sacchi de Frontin

Rogério Sacchi de Frontin (born April 23, 1964, in São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil) is a Brazilian writer, a novelist, a screenwriter, a poet, a journalist and a Master in Brazilian Literature. He is also a college professor of Communication Theory, Semiotics, Media Culture, Aesthetics and Writing for Film and TV. He graduated in journalism from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro in 1985. He worked as a reporter and editor for newspapers and magazines between 1985 and 1994. In this last year, he joined the Masters Course on Brazilian Literature from the Rio de Janeiro State University. In 1997, he worked at TV Globo as a screenwriter. Finally, in 2004, he revoked his contract as employee, however he continued to work as a freelancer documentary filmmaker for Globo, while starting his academic career. Nowadays, he is a professor and spends his scarce free time writting novels, plays and poetry. The writer Rogério Sacchi de Frontin wrote the supernatural romance "Tainted Odete" in Portuguese. He launched the book in Portugal and in Brazil by Portuguese publisher Chiado and also an e-book written in Portuguese by Amazon.com. The return, he said, was good, but not enough. According to him, the English language has the potential to greatly increase the number of readers in the story of the slave girl who goes through the time portal to promote an ancestral revenge. Today he lives in the city of Petrópolis, founded by Emperor Dom Pedro II. This city is located in the mountainous region of the State of Rio de Janeiro, with very mild climate.

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