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O destinou uniu-os. E agora vai separá-los.
As vidas de Cyra Noavek e Akos Kereseth são regidas pelos seus destinos, ditados à nascença pelos oráculos. Uma vez pronunciados, os destinos são incontornáveis.
Akos está apaixonado por Cyra, apesar do seu destino: morrer ao serviço da família de Cyra. E quando o pai de Cyra, Lazmet Noavek, um tirano desalmado dado como morto, reivindica o trono de Shotet, Akos acredita que o seu final está mais próximo do que nunca.
Quando Lazmet desencadeia uma guerra bárbara, Cyra e Akos tentam desesperadamente pôr-lhe um fim, a qualquer custo. Para Cyra, isso pode implicar arrebatar a vida ao seu hipotético pai. Para Akos, pode implicar sacrificar a própria vida. Numa estonteante reviravolta, os dois vão descobrir como os destinos definem as suas vidas de formas tão inesperadas.
Na sequela de GRAVAR AS MARCAS, Veronica Roth introduz duas poderosas novas vozes, numa narrativa de esperança, humor, fé e resiliência.
Data de lançamento1 de mai. de 2018
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Veronica Roth

VERONICA ROTH is the #1 New York Times best-selling author of the Divergent series (Divergent, Insurgent, Allegiant, and Four: A Divergent Collection) and the Carve the Mark duology (Carve the Mark, The Fates Divide). Divergent received the 2011 Goodreads Choice Award for Favorite Book, Publishers Weekly’s Best Book of 2011, and was the winner of the YALSA 2012 Teens’ Top Ten. The trilogy has been adapted into a blockbuster movie series starring Shailene Woodley and Theo James. Carve the Mark published in January 2017, debuted at #1 on the New York Times bestseller list, and remained on the list for eighteen weeks. The Fates Divide, the second installment of the Carve the Mark series, also debuted at #1 on the New York Times bestseller list. Though she was born in Mount Kisco, New York, Veronica’s family moved to Hong Kong and Germany before settling in Barrington, Illinois. In elementary school, Veronica read constantly, but it wasn’t until she got a “make your own book!” kit from her mother as a gift that she thought to write anything of her own. From that time on, she knew she would write for the rest of her life, whether she was published or not. She wrote the manuscript that would become Divergent in her free time while attending Northwestern University, where she graduated magna cum laude with a degree in English Literature with Creative Writing in 2010. She is a board member of YALLFest, the biggest YA book festival in the country, and YALLWEST, its sister festival. She currently lives in Chicago with her husband and their dog, Avi, whose adorable existence is well-documented on Instagram.  

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