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Amor De Salvação
Amor De Salvação
Amor De Salvação
E-book190 páginas2 horas

Amor De Salvação

Nota: 3 de 5 estrelas



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Lembranças são contadas ao narrador pelo protagonista, numa noite de Natal, após um reencontro após quase doze anos. Afonso e Teodora prometidos um ao outro pelas suas mães, amigas desde os tempos em que estudavam num convento. Após a morte da mãe, Teodora vai para um convento e tem como tutor seu tio, pai de Eleutério Romão. Teodora e Afonso estão
Data de lançamento30 de abr. de 2021
Amor De Salvação

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Nota: 3 de 5 estrelas

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  • Nota: 3 de 5 estrelas
    When Kyle Byrne was 12-years old he lost his father. Now as a young adult Kyle has lost both parents and he’s found himself drifting through life with no ambition and no prospects for his future. On the day he is fired from his job for not showing up he finds out that his father’s former law partner has been murdered. After the funeral he’s approached by someone claiming to need a file that his father my have left with Kyle and his mother. Suddenly Kyle has a goal; to find out the truth about his father’s death and to figure out why everyone is suddenly looking very hard to find this mysterious file.I found this book very hard to get through. Kyle is just not likable with his “poor me, I’m an orphan attitude” and lack of ambition. He was an illegitimate child of a married man and his father was barely around while he was young yet we’re expected to believe that fourteen years later he’s still haunted by his father’s death of natural causes.The plot wasn’t suspenseful enough to grab my attention but I kept reading hoping it would lead to a surprise ending which it never did. The only characters in the book I did enjoy were Kyle’s best friend Kat and the two detectives investigating the murder of his father’s law partner. They were believable and humorous throughout.This is my first book by William Lashner and I don’t think I’ll be reading anymore.
  • Nota: 3 de 5 estrelas
    Lashner knows how to craft a great thriller. This was a new and I assume non recurring main character, but his Victor Carl series is also great fun.