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Gêneros textuais em língua inglesa : prática, leitura, escrita e análise linguística
Gêneros textuais em língua inglesa : prática, leitura, escrita e análise linguística
Gêneros textuais em língua inglesa : prática, leitura, escrita e análise linguística
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Gêneros textuais em língua inglesa : prática, leitura, escrita e análise linguística

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Pretende-se observar se o professor seleciona textos didáticos sob a ótica do gênero e quais os gêneros textuais mais utilizados. Os dados indicam a necessidade de maior preocupação com materiais didáticos autoproduzidos, revelados como prática comum na escola pública e privada, uma vez que representam a opção consciente de um profissional que não se deixa impedir pelos obstáculos de um cotidiano adverso e cujo trabalho, embora ainda longe do ideal, é voltado para a qualidade da educação e da aprendizagem de língua estrangeira do aluno. Em comum, os estudos relacionados a gêneros discursivos ressaltam a importância das interações sociais, do contexto e do propósito comunicativo na forma e no uso dos gêneros textuais, tanto em situações pedagógicas como no uso cotidiano. Dentro do objetivo geral de análise de materiais didáticos criados e produzidos por professores para uso em seus ambientes escolares, objetivos mais específicos podem ser propostos, abrangendo a questão de gêneros textuais. Ao produzirem seu material didático para LE, os professores escolhem os textos pelos gêneros? Quais os gêneros textuais mais usados nos materiais preparados pelos professores? Por quê? Quais os pressupostos teóricos que embasam as escolhas dos professores? Esta pesquisa investigará, portanto, a opção pelo uso de materiais didáticos personalizados para ensino de LE. Serão examinados os critérios empregados na seleção e abordagem de textos durante a criação desses materiais, analisados à luz do recorte teórico selecionado e através de uma triangulação com instrumentos de pesquisa utilizados durante a investigação.
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Gêneros textuais em língua inglesa : prática, leitura, escrita e análise linguística

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    Gêneros textuais em língua inglesa - Ricardo Santos David


    Leia o texto para responder as questões:

    The lion and the mouse

    A lion, tired of hunting, slept stretched out under the good shade of a tree. Mice came strolling over him and he woke up. Everyone managed to escape, except one, which the lion trapped under his paw. Both the mouse asked and begged that the lion gave up on crushing him and let him go. Some time later the lion was trapped in a hunters’ net. Failing to let go, he made the entire forest tremble with his roars of rage. At that, the mouse appeared, and with its sharp teeth he gnawed at the ropes and released the lion.

    Moral: One good deed wins another.


    1. The gender of the text is

    a) fable.

    b) news.

    c) poem.

    d) chronic.

    2. The lion, after hunting, was

    a) cheerful.

    b) happy.

    c) sad.

    d) tired.

    3. The lion slept under

    a) a hut.

    b) a building.

    c) a bridge.

    d) a tree.

    4. Who did wake up the lion?

    a) Cats.

    b) The dogs.

    c) The rats.

    d) A snake.

    5. The hunters managed to catch the lion through

    a) a network.

    b) a hole.

    c) a rope.

    d) a weapon.

    6. The lion managed to awaken the forest through his

    a) howling.

    b) teeth.

    c) fingers.

    d) singing.

    7. The lion was saved by

    a) cat.

    b) calf.

    c) rat.

    d) tiger.

    8. The text brings the reader

    a) a doubt.

    b) a reflection.

    c) an order.

    d) an appeal.


    Leia o texto abaixo para responder as próximas questões:

    Karen: Hi, Bruno. What’s up?

    Bruno: Hey, Karen, let’s go to the movies tonight.

    Karen: Sorry, I can’t. I have to help my mother with the housework.

    Bruno: Oh, that’s a shame. Nadya, let’s go to the movies. I want to see Thor.

    Nadya: Sure. I love super heroes. What time does the movie start?

    Bruno:  It starts at six o’clock.

    Nadya: Cool! Let’s meet in front of the zoo at five.

    Bruno: Okay. See you there.

    1. The genre of the text is

    a) biography.

    b) dialogue.

    c) letter.

    d) ticket.

    2. Who agrees to go to the movies with Bruno?

    a) Karen.

    b) Thor.

    c) Nadya.

    d) His mother.

    3. Karen can’t go to the movies because she has to

    a) go to the zoo.

    b) watch a DVD.

    c) meet Nadya.

    d) help her mother.

    4. The cinema will happen

    a) at noon.

    b) at night.

    c) in the morning.

    d) at the end of the afternoon.

    5. What time does the movie start?

    a) At five.

    b) At six.

    c) At ten.

    d) At two.

    6. Where do they agree to meet?

    a) At home.

    b) In front of the movies.

    c) In front of the zoo.

    d) At school.

    7. Nadya ama

    a) teatro.

    b) cinema.

    c) super-heróis.

    d) dança.

    8. Sorry foi um pedido de

    a) licença.

    b) desculpas.

    c) atenção.

    d) oportunidade para falar.

    9. Complete a frase corretamente de acordo com a resposta de Rose:

    Levi: ________ do you have breakfast?

    Rose: At about 6:30

    a) What.

    b) What time

    c) Where

    d) How are you

    10. Leia a frase e responda qual resposta combina com a pergunta:

    Where do you play soccer?

    a) At school.

    b) On Mondays.

    c) At three o’clock.

    d) I go dancing.

    Atividades de Língua Inglesa - Vocabulário - Gêneros Textuais

    Leia as frases e descubra a palavra que falta de acordo com o contexto:

    1. My friend has ___________. She writes many secrets and stories in it.

    a) a newspaper

    b) a chronicle

    c) a diary

    d) a biography

    2. This ___________ is amazing! It tells the story of two lovers.

    a) autobiography

    b) adventure

    c) diary

    d) novel

    3. My mother likes to read Fernando Veríssimo’s ________________. Their everyday stories are very good.

    a) chronicles

    b) reports

    c) news

    d) comic strip.

    4. My uncle likes ___________ fairy. His favorites are: Peter Pan and Cinderela.

    a) tales

    b) novels

    c) legend

    d) daily

    5. ______________ is a short text with images and dialogues. It always causes humor.

    a) Poetry

    b) Comic strip

    c) News

    d) Report

    6. My mom makes delicious foods. He does it with the help of the book of ______________.

    a) poetry

    b) twine

    c) images

    d) recipe

    7. I bought a wardrobe. I will assemble it with the help of the ___________ manual.

    a) recipe

    b) instruction

    c) news

    d) advertising

    8. I listen to Roberto Carlos and Roberta Miranda. So I really like _______________.

    a) short story

    b) music

    c) newspaper

    d) announcement

    9. My father received an ________________. He needs to access his computer to see.

    a) short story

    b) poem

    c) email

    d) comic strip

    10. I like ___________________ stories, as they bring a lot of emotion and suspense.

    a) horror

    b) comedies

    c) romance

    d) joy


    Read the text to answer questions 1 - 5 - Gênero Textual Bilhete


    I won’t be able to go this afternoon to meet you downtown.

    I had a little problem here at home. I’ll call you later, my love!

    Huge kisses! Take care!


    1. The gender of the text is

    a) letter.

    b) biography.

    c) ticket.

    d) news.

    2. The purpose of the text is

    a) give a message.

    b) selling a product.

    c) make an announcement.

    d) tell a story.

    3. According to the text, Daniel cannot go

    a) tomorrow.

    b) next week.

    c) today.

    d) next month.

    4. O problema, segundo Daniel, aconteceu

    a) em sua casa.

    b) na escola.

    c) na rua.

    d) no trabalho.

    5. Daniel se despede com

    a) até logo.

    b) abraços.

    c) parabéns.

    d) beijos.


    Read the text to answer questions 6 - 10.


    Don’t forget to wash your lunch dishes and buy the rice and potatoes I asked for!

    Mom’s kisses

    PS: When I arrive, I will help you with school tasks.

    6. Quem escreveu o recado foi

    a) sua mãe.

    b) seu pai.

    c) sua amiga.

    d) seu irmão.

    7. Lu must buy

    a) crockery and rice.

    b) rice and potatoes.

    c) crockery and potatoes.

    d) potatoes and beans.

    8. In the text there is a promise of

    a) buy.

    b) travel.

    c) help.

    d) hug.

    9. The text does NOT speak of

    a) wash the dishes.

    b) selling a house.

    c) buy rice.

    d) help with school tasks.

    10. A palavra when é um advérbio de

    a) dúvida.

    b) afirmação.

    c) lugar.

    d) tempo.

    Read the text to answer questions 1 - 5 - Texto Informativo

    Most people who come to the United States may already know a few things about the people through TV. Although this is of course a skewed reality some of the stereotypes are true, especially American friendliness and informality. People tend to not wait to be introduced, will begin to speak with strangers as they stand in a queue, sit next to each other at an event, etc. Visitors can often be surprised when people are so informal to the point of being very direct or even rude.


    1. The purpose of the text is

    a) criticize Americans.

    b) inform about Americans.

    c) defend an idea.

    d) tell a funny story.

    2. According to the text, Americans are

    a) friendly.

    b) sad.

    c) timid.

    d) smiling.

    3. According to the text, who can be surprised?

    a) the strangers.

    b) the Brazilians.

    c) the visitors

    d) the Americans.

    4. According to text, Americans never:

    a) sit beside a stranger.

    b) wait to be introduced.

    c) talk to a stranger.

    d) go to new events.

    5. A palavra abaixo do texto que exprime ideia de tempo é

    a) sympathy.

    b) while.

    c) surprise.

    d) point.


    Read the text to answer questions 6 - 10:

    The country that coined the phrase obviously lives the phrase. In America, time is a very important commodity. Americans ascribe personality characteristics and values based on how people use time. For example, people who are on-time are considered to be good people, reliable people who others can count on.


    6. Americans believe a person who is always on time is:

    a) a rude person.

    b) a bad person.

    c) a good person.

    d) a boring person.

    7. Time is Money" means:

    a) Being on time is very important.

    b) Getting a lot of money is very important.

    c) Good people are never on time.

    d) Reliable people have a lot of money.

    8. O tema do texto gira em torno do (a):

    a) dinheiro.

    b) tempo.

    c) riqueza.

    d) cultura.

    9. According to the text, time is a very

    a) necessary.

    b) limited.

    c) rejected.

    d) important.

    10. According to the text, the alternative below that does NOT have a characteristic of people is

    a) punctual.

    b) good.

    c) brave.

    d) reliable.


    Gênero Textual Notícia - Notícia da vacina Covid -19

    Read the text to answer the questions:




    The director of the Butantan Institute, Dimas Covas, said this Saturday, if vaccination against covid-19 in Brazil starts in January, the drop in the number of cases and deaths from the disease should only be felt in April. The statement was given at an event at the Centro Universitário Claretiano, in Batatais, in the interior of São Paulo.

    1. The genre of the text is

    a) report.

    b) chronic.

    c) news.

    d) announcement.

    2. The general subject of the text is about

    a) the flu.

    b) the virus.

    c) São Paulo.

    d) the vaccine.

    3. Segundo o texto, a afirmação de Dimas Covas aconteceu

    a) no domingo.

    b) na quarta-feira.

    c) na sexta-feira.

    d) no sábado.

    4. No trecho: if vaccination against covid-19 in Brazil starts in January..., o termo grifado if introduz uma

    a) possibilidade.

    b) consequência.

    c) oposição.

    d) explicação.

    5. According to the text, there are possibilities of reducing deaths only in

    a) January.

    b) February.

    c) April.

    d) December.

    6. Where did the director of Instituto Butantan’s statement come from?

    a) In a school.

    b) At a university.

    c) In a church.

    d) In a square.

    7. The text is intended to

    a) inform.

    b) advertise.

    c) teach.

    d) amuse.

    8. Segundo o texto,

    a) a vacinação contra o coronavírus será realizada em abril.

    b) São Paulo sediará a vacinação contra a Covid 19.

    c) a queda dos números de mortes não diminuirá de forma rápida.

    d) as mortes diminuirão em janeiro.

    9. O trecho: if vaccination against covid-19 ... only be felt in April foi colocado entre aspas para

    a) delimitar a fala do diretor.

    b) revelar a fala do narrador.

    c) destacar algo importante.

    d) ironizar a fala de Dimas Covas.

    10. A palavra grifada do trecho and deaths from the disease é um

    a) substantivo no singular.

    b) substantivo no plural.

    c) verbo no singular.

    d) verbo no plural.


    Leia o texto para responder às questões 1 - 5 - Relatos de Viagem

    Manaus is an amazing city located in the heart of the Amazon jungle. The first day there we went to the Teatro Amazonas, an imposing building constructed in the late nineteenth century. There I met my first Brazilian friend, a native descendant girl named Tainá. She told me about the Festival de Parintins, a big spectacle based on a indigenous legend.


    1. The text talks about

    a) a city

    b) a country.

    c) a company.

    d) a school.

    2. Segundo o texto, Manaus está localizado

    a) próximo à Amazônia.

    b) no centro da Amazônia.

    c) no coração da Amazônia.

    d) no coração da selva amazônica.

    3. No trecho traduzido: No ________ dia lá, fomos ao Teatro Amazonas..., a palavra que completa corretamente de acordo com o texto é

    a) primeiro.

    b) segundo.

    c) terceiro.

    d) quinto.

    4. According to the text, Tainá was

    a) descendants of Afro-Brazilians.

    b) descendants of Indians.

    c) children of Africans.

    d) children of Brazilians and Americans.

    5. Segundo o texto, o imponente teatro foi construído no século

    a) 18.

    b) 19.

    c) 20.

    d) 21.

    Leia o texto para responder às questões 6 - 10:

    My second stop in Brazil was Salvador, the first capital of the country. It’s a fantastic city! In Salvador we can see the African influence everywhere. Food, music, religion, dance, local customs, everything makes us feel like we were in Africa. There I met Luana, a seventeen-year-old girl who practices Candomblé, a religion brought by the Africans. I enjoyed the food of Bahia a lot! It’s very tasty.


    6. Segundo o texto, Salvador foi

    a) a primeira cidade do Brasil.

    b) a segunda capital do Brasil.

    c) a primeira capital do Brasil.

    d) o primeiro estado do Brasil.

    7. The predominant influence in several places in Salvador da Bahia is

    a) indigenous.

    b) African.

    c) Brazilian.

    d) Portuguese.

    8. A opinião da autora sobre a cidade que visitou é

    a) importante.

    b) incrível.

    c) fantástica.

    d) sensacional.

    9.  Luana, a garota que a autora do texto conheceu, tinha a idade de

    a) quinze anos.

    b) dezesseis anos.

    c) dezessete anos.

    d) dezoito anos.

    10. There is an opinion of the author in the text part at:

    a) There I met Luana, a seventeen-year-old girl...

    b) My second stop in Brazil was Salvador...

    c) Food, music, religion, dance, local customs, everything makes...

    d) I enjoyed the food of Bahia a lot! It’s very tasty.



    I´m sorry but I can´t play soccer with you this afternoon. My mom is going to take me to the doctor´s. See you at school tomorrow morning.


    1) This text is called:

    a) (   ) a letter

    b) ( X ) a message

    c) (   ) a comic strip

    d) (   ) a fable

    2) What is the objective of this text?

    a) (   ) invitation

    b) ( X ) send a message.

    c) (   ) tell a story

    3) Answer the questions:

    a) Who writes the text?


    b) Who is it to?


    c) What are the boys´ plans for this afternoon?

    Jogar futebol

    d) Why can´t George go?

    Porque sua mãe vai levá-lo ao médico

    e) Do you usually send messages?

    Resposta do aluno

    f) How do you communicate with your friends?

    Resposta do aluno


    The Princess and the Pea



    Hans Christian Andersen

    There is a prince who wants to marry a princess; but she will have to be a real princess. He travels all over the world to find one, but nowhere can he get what he wants. There are princesses enough, but it is difficult to find out whether they are real ones. There is always something about them that is not as it should be. So he comes home again and is sad, for he would like very much to have a real princess.

    One evening a terrible storm comes on; there is thunder and lightning, and the rain pours down in torrents. Suddenly a knocking is heard at the city gate, and the old king goes to open it.

    It is a princess standing out there in front of the gate. But, good gracious! What a sight the rain and the wind have made her look. The water runs down from her hair and clothes; it runs down into the toes of her shoes and out again at the heels. And yet she says that she is a real princess.

    Well, we’ll soon find that out, thinks the old queen. But she says nothing, goes into the bed-room, takes all the bedding off the bedstead, and lays a pea on the bottom; then she takes twenty mattresses and lays them on the pea, and then twenty eider-down beds on top of the mattresses.

    On this the princess has to lie all night. In the morning she is asked how she had slept.

    Oh, very badly! she says. I have scarcely closed my eyes all night. Heaven only knows what was in the bed, but I was lying on something hard, so that I am black and blue all over my body. It’s horrible!

    Now they know that she is a real princess because she felt the pea right through the twenty mattresses and the twenty eider-down beds.

    Nobody but a real princess can be as sensitive as that.

    So the prince takes her for his wife, for now he knows that he has a real princess; and the pea is put in the museum, where it may still be seen, if no one has stolen it.

    There, that is a true story.


    Check the correct alternative.

    1. The story is about

    a) ( ) a prince´s wedding arrangement

    b) ( ) how to make a princess´s bed

    c) ( x ) how a queen discovers a real princess

    d) ( ) a royal family and its castle

    2. The queen knows the girl is a real princess because

    a) ( ) the girl sleeps well all night

    b) ( ) the girl says that she is a real princess

    c) ( x ) the girl says she is black and blue all over her body

    d) ( ) the girl wants a princess bed

    3. The genre of the text is

    a) ( ) a cartoon

    b) ( ) a fable

    c) ( x ) a fairy tale

    d) ( ) a biography

    4. Which is the discursive domain of this genre?

    a) (  x  ) Literary

    b) (     ) Religious

    c) (     ) Journalistic

    d) (     ) Daily Routine

    5. The type of discourse in the text is

    a) ( ) Exposition

    b) ( ) Report

    c) ( x ) Narrative

    d) ( ) Description

    6. What is the objective of the text?

    Mostrar que a verdade deve sempre prevalecer. A princesa pode confirmar que dizia a verdade.E também, a importância de sermos otimista, como fez o príncipe que tanto desejou encontrar uma verdadeira princesa, até que a própria bate a sua porta.

    7. What are the characteristics of the text?

    Trata-se de um texto narrativo em 3a. pessoa, onde percebemos descrição de fatos, cenário, personagens e há apresentação de um conflito e uso de verbos de ação.

    8. Who is the target audience of this text?

    Crianças, adolescentes e pessoas interessadas nesse tipo de leitura.

    9. Who are the characters of the story?

    A princesa, o príncipe, o rei e a rainha.

    10. What does the prince want?

    O príncipe que se casar com uma verdadeira princesa.

    11. How is the weather when the girl arrives in the castle?

    Está chovendo muito, com raios e trovões.

    12. Sad and terrible are adjectives. Find TWO other adjectives in the text.

    Good – real

    13. Find the opposites:

    Está gostando da amostra?
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