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Várias Vidas
Várias Vidas
Várias Vidas
E-book116 páginas1 hora

Várias Vidas

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Sobre este e-book

People around the globe are connected by similar feelings, thoughts, concerns, emotions and experiences.
Based on true stories, this book reveals life experiences of men and women of our days, about love, loss, infidelities, dreams, truths and lies, the double lives of so many faces that cross our way daily and whose stories we've all tried to guess.
To read in just one breath or slowly, story after story, in your relaxing moments. Find out which one of these lives is, truly, your own story.

Todas as pessoas do nosso mundo estão ligadas por sentimentos, pensamentos, preocupações, emoções e experiências similares. Baseado em histórias reais, este livro revela experiências de vida de jovens, mulheres e homens dos nossos dias, sobre o amor, as perdas, infidelidades, sobre sonhos, sobre verdades e mentiras, as duplas vidas de tantas caras que se cruzam diariamente no nosso caminho e cuja história já tentámos adivinhar.

Para ler de um fôlego só ou lentamente, história após história, nos seus momentos de pausa. Descubra qual destas Várias Vidas é, na verdade, a sua própria história.

EditoraM.J. Silva
Data de lançamento22 de abr. de 2012
Várias Vidas

M.J. Silva

For me writing equals breathing. They are more synonyms than any other synonym words. I write non-stop since I was fifteen when I was still in high school. Back then, sometimes I just wrote, others I wrote and painted. But writing... oh writing... As an avid writer, but also avid reader, I loooove books, all shapes and sizes, because they have given me so much throughout my life. All kinds. Today I do it all. I remember engraving certain stories in my mind, certain that one day I would write them. Because there are stories that just need to be told. I studied journalism at Lisbon Catholic University but dedicated my professional life to developing and teaching my own projects of Arts and English to children, some of them with learning disabilities, before becoming a fulltime writer and illustrator. I’m always busy writing, sketching, painting or illustrating children’s books. My strongest influences and inspirations are music, the cartoons of Waterson and Schulz, abstract art and classic and contemporary literature. I’m a strong believer that drawings, paintings and stories created by children are the most beautiful, significant and inspiring of all. I live in the beautiful sunny town of Cascais, in Portugal, with my husband (and co-author), my boy and our two dogs.

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