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Heróis Vivem para Sempre
Heróis Vivem para Sempre
Heróis Vivem para Sempre
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Heróis Vivem para Sempre

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Elinor Hawthorne herdou uma casa assombrada pelos fantasmas de dois cavaleiros medievais, Basil Manneville e Guy Guiscard. Basil é o homem dos seus sonhos, seu cavaleiro de armadura brilhante. Ela se apaixona por ele e, ele por ela. Basil logo se dá conta de que ela precisa viver uma vida normal, um vida feliz com um mortal. 
Anos se passaram, até que o destino intervém. Basil, ainda apaixonado por Elinor, recebe a notícia de que seu espírito reside em uma jovem mulher e recebe uma nova oportunidade em vida para encontrá-la. 

Data de lançamento6 de nov. de 2016
Heróis Vivem para Sempre

Chris Karlsen

Chris Karlsen is a retired police detective. She spent twenty-five years in law enforcement with two different agencies. The daughter of a history professor and a voracious reader, she grew up with a love of hisotry and books. An internationally published author, Chris has traveled extensively throughout Europe, the Near East, and North Africa satisfying her need to visit the places she read about. Having spent a great deal of time in England and Turkey, she has used her love of both places as settings for her books. "Heroes Live Forever," which is her debut book, is set in England as is the sequel, "Journey in Time," the third is "Knight Blindness." They are part of her Knights in Time series. All three are available as a boxed set on Kindle. She is currently working on the fourth in the "Knights in Time," series. "Golden Chariot," is set in Turkey and the sequel, "Byzantine Gold" is set Turkey, Paris and Cyprus. They are part of her Dangerous Waters series. Her most recent release is called, "Silk" and is book one of a new series, The Bloodstone Series. It is a suspense set in Victorian London. Published by Books to Go Now, her novels are available in digital, ebook, and Android App. and in paperback. "Heroes Live Forever" is also in audio format. A Chicago native, Chris has lived in Paris and Los Angeles and now resides in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and four rescue dogs. A city girl all her life, living in a small village on a bay was a interesting adjustment. She'd never lived anywhere so quiet at night and traffic wasn't bumper to bumper 24/7. Some of Chris's favorite authors are: Michael Connolly, John Sandford, Joseph Wambaugh, Stephen Coonts, Bernard Cornwell, Julia Quinn, Julie Anne Long, Deanna Raybourne and Steve Berry.

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