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Feitiço do amor
Feitiço do amor
Feitiço do amor
E-book157 páginas2 horas

Feitiço do amor

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Dylan Janos não tinha nenhuma intenção de casar. Quando raptou Abbie Turner estava apenas a reviver uma tradição romântica cigana. A única coisa que desejava era poder levar consigo recordações marcadas de erotismo, quando partisse. E partiria. Era o que sempre fazia...
Abbie sabia que Dylan não falava a sério acerca de casamento. A ele interessava tão pouco a ideia de assentar como a ela interessava a de se apaixonar por um vaqueiro, que se dedicava a participar em rodeios. Assim, por que não saltar a boda... e começar a lua-de-mel sem mais preâmbulos?
Data de lançamento1 de set. de 2017
Feitiço do amor

Cathie Linz

Cathie's interest in writing began at an early age, when her older brother got a Tom Thumb typewriter. Only three at the time, she loved pounding on those keys! When she reached the third grade, Cathie received Second Prize award for her Class Knowledge Fair project. It was a "book" - three pages long, typed, single-space, about her summer spent with her grandfather who'd retired to Ajijic, on the shores of Lake Chapala, in Mexico. Knowing that writing was not a financially secure career choice, Cathie went to college and got a job as Head of Acquisitions at a university law library in the Chicago area. When she had to have emergency surgery, she realized that life isn't open-ended and if she wanted to write, she needed to start now. While still living at home, she gave herself a year to be published. Her first publisher, Dell, called within two weeks of the approaching deadline to buy her first book. After writing 12 books for Dell's successful Candlelight Ecstasy line, Cathie began writing for Silhouette Desire. Since then, she's also written for Silhouette Romance and Harlequin Duets. She writes her books in her home office suite, looking out on a small creek and woods. In the winter, sometimes a deer or two will walk by. Her hobbies include reading (she has over 4,000 romances in her keeper library), traveling (she sets books in places she's visited - from the Alps to Bermuda, and Oregon to New Hampshire), and collecting artist teddy bears (she got hooked on this unusual hobby after researching for a book where the heroine designed teddy bears. Cathie now has over 50 one-of a kind bears in her collection). She is also an accomplished photographer. Cathie lives in the Chicago area with her family and two cats. She lives near fellow Silhouette authors Lindsay Longford and Suzette Vann, as well as New York Times bestselling author Susan Elizabeth Phillips. This rowdy foursome often hangs out at "Chile's" plotting their next masterpiece. Cathie is the one eating the steak fajitas.

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