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The Artist Paulo Byron
The Artist Paulo Byron
The Artist Paulo Byron
E-book104 páginas16 minutos

The Artist Paulo Byron

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Author s Notes This work, the first volume of the series, aims to introduce the reader ssobre the artist Paulo Byron Oliveira Soares Filho, his work, testimonials, awards and a bit of its history. Being the son of this artist who will deal in the works, died on March 09, 2018. Seeking to keep my feelings overflow through the text to the reader in this way, it would go against the proposal in question. I present unto them in this first volume a few works of Bohemia and Children s Play series. Art does not allow labels to be assessed. Paulo Byron Oliveira Soares Filho
Data de lançamento3 de mai. de 2018
The Artist Paulo Byron

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    Pré-visualização do livro

    The Artist Paulo Byron - Paulo Byron Oliveira Soares Neto


    Author's Notes

    This work, the first volume of the

    series, aims to introduce the reader ssobre the

    artist Paulo Byron Oliveira Soares Filho, his

    work, testimonials, awards and a bit of its

    history. Being the son of this artist who will deal

    in the works, died on March 09, 2018. Seeking

    to keep my feelings overflow through the text to

    the reader in this way, it would go against the

    proposal in question. I present unto them in this

    first volume a few works of Bohemia and

    Children's Play series.

    Art does not allow labels to be assessed.

    Paulo Byron Oliveira Soares Filho


    About the


    And holds a BA Degree in Mathematics with

    specialization in Physics from the University Ibirapuera

    (UNIB); Postgraduate School Management and

    Educational Coordination by Uniasselvi; Postgraduate

    in Tax Law; Graduating in Law from Universidade

    Paulista (UNIP); Majoring in Production Engineering

    (UNIVESP); After graduating Philosophy (UNIFESP);

    Master in Law and International Business from the

    Universidad Europea del Atlantic. But before all this,

    son! In his memory my beloved father.

    "Being an artist is to be an eternal dreamer .... Why can not stay

    only in the dream, you have to expose the feeling."

    Paulo Byron Oliveira Soares Filho


    About the artist

    In the words of Oscar D'Ambrosio, journalist

    and master in Visual Arts by the Arts Institute of

    Unesp, integrates the Art Critics International

    Association (AICA-Section Brazil)

    "Doing Pleasure

    The artist gaucho Paulo Byron offers in its

    production several strands. They just complement the

    desire to express, through the image, a worldview. It is

    the use of various

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