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Stop the circus! The clown is crooked!
Stop the circus! The clown is crooked!
Stop the circus! The clown is crooked!
E-book23 páginas2 minutos

Stop the circus! The clown is crooked!

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Would first like to thank God for life and for the opportunity to develop a project that brings health care to the population. I would also like to thank my children, João Gabriel and Luan, and my parents Fernando and Lea, who are always by my side giving me stren- gth and inspiration to work.
Additionally, I would like to thank the Mckenzie Institute International, Robin Mckenzie and Jose Liberato for the wonderful know- ledge passed on, to Physical Education teacher, Thiago Soares, who contributed to creating the story of Twist-and-Turn the Clown and to Wander Innocencio, from the agency Tacticall, for believing and actively participating in the development of this project.
Data de lançamento1 de dez. de 2019
Stop the circus! The clown is crooked!

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    Stop the circus! The clown is crooked! - Fernando Santiago Henriques

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