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Naval Battle Of Lade, 494 Bc
Naval Battle Of Lade, 494 Bc
Naval Battle Of Lade, 494 Bc
E-book67 páginas43 minutos

Naval Battle Of Lade, 494 Bc

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In the Naval Battle of Lade, given the numerical superiority of the Persians, their navy had no problem surrounding the Ionians, though unfolded in three lines. Both navies planned to leverage the capabilities of their standard naval units, among others the structural ones, the characteristics of the weapon systems (pitch and ram or spurs), the speeds (driving force of the rowers), ie the Persians their best seamanship, the Ionians your best combat on board. In the simulation, the tactical maneuver will have three phases, the first being already done, the approach; the second, ongoing, the maneuver phase, when the Periplos (double overflowing) will be attempted, ending in the third and fourth stages, continuous combat with throwing weapons, and approaches and assaults on poops. enemies. In the case of the Persians, simulated in this book, it will be considered that they will follow the classic maneuvers of the time, suffering from a lower dose of initiative and flexibility because they remained in a linear, mashed formation, which aimed, above all, at a greater control over their different fleets from subjugated peoples.
Data de lançamento31 de jan. de 2024
Naval Battle Of Lade, 494 Bc

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    Naval Battle Of Lade, 494 Bc - André Geraque Kiffer


    Naval  Battle  of  Lade,  494  BC. An  Ionian  Historical  Simulation

    Author's  Edition



    ---  Kiffer,  André  Geraque.

    Naval  Battle  of  Lade,  494  BC.  An  Ionian  Historical Simulation.  André  Geraque  Kiffer.

    Author's  Edition,  Resende,  2019. Bibliography:  82  p.  15  im.  21  cm..

    1.  History.  2.  Art  of  War.  3.  War  Science.  4.  Wargames.  I. Author.  II.  Title.

    ISBN  978-85-6585-312-5



    My  story  will  be  as  sure  as  history.  It  will  be  useful  for  anyone who  wants  to  relive  the  past  in  a  present  study  of  the similarities  between  human  conflicts,  seeking  to  anticipate futures.  This  My  History  of  Wars  is  a  definite  achievement  and not  an  ostentatious  work  for  a  current  audience.

    (André  Geraque  Kiffer)


    I  was  inspired  to  build  this  work  by  reading  Arnold Toynbee's  book,  A  Study  of  History,  and  Trevor  N. Dupuy's  Future  Wars.  Between  2005  and  2007  I acquired  a  collection  of  board  wargames  in  New York,  and  reading  the  book  Wargame  Design published  by  Strategy  &  Tactics  Magazine consolidated  a  Matrix  for  A  Study  of  Military History.  Thus,  from  2008,  I  was  able  to  begin  an analysis  of  the  wars,  campaigns,  and  battles  of history  of  a  particular  time  and  /  or  civilization described  in  the  Smithsonian  Institute's  Atlas  of Military  History.  So  far  I  have  published  the  following series:  I.  Historical  Simulation  of  the  First  Empire Wars  in  2010;  VIII.  World  War  I  Historical Simulation  in  2011;  II.  Historical  Simulation  of  the Wars  in  Classical  Greece  in  2012;  III.  Historical Simulation  of  the  Roman  Wars  in  2016;  and  IV. Historical  Simulation  of  Wars  in  the  Medieval  Era  in 2018.  In  2014,  to  continue  my  work"  A  Study  of

    Military  History  ,  I  read  the  book  Japanese  and


    Chinese  Chess  -  The  Science  and  Art  of  War  and added  a  new  book  The  Study  of  Wars  and  Chess Games  to  my  planned  study,  associating  the foundations  of  chess  games  with  the  principles  of Art  and  Science  of  War.  In  each  book  of  the  work  a selected  war,  campaign,  or  battle  is  studied  at  any of  the  applicable  decision  levels,  namely  the Political,  Strategic,  Operational,  Tactical,  and Technical.  Based  on  a  summary  of  the  historical  fact I  seek  to  highlight  the  decisive  fact  (s)  causing  the negative  result  (s)  before  playing  the  simulation through  a  board  wargame  -  the  actions  on  the  other side  of  the  hill  (from  the  enemy)  are  studied through  a  parallel  electronic  war  game.  In  the simulation  all  the  possibilities  of  the  purpose  of  the study  are  completed  when  the  past  of  history  is analyzed  on  the  basis  of  present  theory  and projected  into  the  future  or  revived  as  a  what  if schematic  case.  When  we  play  we  will  follow  the maxim  WIN  ALWAYS  BUT  WITH  THE  LOWEST



    Keywords:  History.  Art  of  War.  War  Science.



    CHAPTER  1  –  NAVAL  BATTLE  OF  LADE,  494  BC.8 CHAPTER  2  –  IONIC  TACTICALAND  TECHNICAL ANALYSIS..............................................................13 CHAPTER  3  –  TACTICALAND  TECHNICAL SIMULATION.........................................................25


    8 CHAPTER  1

    NAVAL  BATTLE  OF  LADE,  494  AC The  campaign  that  led  to  the  battle

    Im  1:  Lade  location.

    In  499  BC  led  by  the  mighty  city  of  Miletus,  the Greeks  of  Asia,  the  Ionians,  expelled  the  tyrants who  had  the  support  of  the  Persians  and  declared

    themselves  an  independent  confederation,  even


    minting  their  own  coin.  They  asked  their  European compatriots  for  help,  but  only  Athens  and  Eretria agreed  to  provide  ships  and  soldiers.  The  Hellenic forces  managed  to  seize  Sardis,  the  capital  of  the Persians

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