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Um reencontro apaixonado
Um reencontro apaixonado
Um reencontro apaixonado
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Um reencontro apaixonado

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O doutor Devlin Brennan era bonito e atraente, tinha experiência na sala de operações e... na cama. O seu encanto natural permitia-lhe seduzir qualquer mulher, excepto Gillian Bailey, a única que lhe interessava. Por outro lado, Gillian tinha muitas coisas a explicar... Porque Devlin era o pai da sua filha.
É que Gillian e ele tinham tido um apaixonado romance, até que ela o abandonou. Mais tarde, Dev descobriu que era o pai da filha de Gillian e, então, decidiu que não a ia deixar escapar de novo. Devlin assegurar-se-ia de que a sua filha tivesse o seu apelido e que a mulher que nunca tinha esquecido partilhasse de novo a sua cama. Nem que isso significasse casar!
Data de lançamento1 de dez. de 2017
Um reencontro apaixonado

Barbara Boswell

Barbara has been a longtime romance novel fan, becoming hooked on the Harlequin Presents series back in the mid-'70s when she was home with her three small daughters. When the youngest reached school age in 1983, she wanted something to do with her extra time. She thought about going back to nursing, but didn't care to deal with hospital shifts. She'd often made up stories in her head and/or continued the stories that she'd read, so it seemed like a fun idea to try to write a story of her own. It took a lot more effort and organization than the loosely strung-together scenes she'd run through her mind, but she was right about the fun part! She enjoyed the whole process and wrote a story that she knew she would enjoy reading. She sent it off and was thrilled when it was accepted! It was even more exciting to see her name on the book cover. Some 50-plus books later, it's still a thrill to see her name on the book and it's still fun to make up stories - at least most of the time! Barbara gets her ideas from everywhere but especially from reading, which she loves to do. Sometimes, just a sentence in a newspaper or a magazine will spark an idea to develop into a romance. Other times, she'll be inspired by another romance novel and she will try to put her own spin on a favorite old plot. Barbara believes that we all have our preferences - she's always been partial to the "secret baby" story line. That, plus the "marriage of convenience" and class or family conflicts are some of her particular favorites. Her three daughters are all grown up now, and she and her husband are the proud grandparents of a beautiful little grandson. They also have three cats who seem to think that they are the rulers of their house. They are terribly spoiled, and they just might be right.

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