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O príncipe sonhado
O príncipe sonhado
O príncipe sonhado
E-book164 páginas1 hora

O príncipe sonhado

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Não era o conto de fadas que parecia ser.
O mundo inteiro acreditava na história de amor entre Alyse Barras e o príncipe Leo de Maldinia, mas era tudo uma farsa calculada até ao mínimo detalhe. Resignada a viver uma mentira, Alyse só esperava que o seu vergonhoso segredo jamais fosse descoberto.
Apesar de a sua fria e implacável fachada, os beijos apaixonados de Leo faziam antever o verdadeiro homem que se ocultava por trás. Mas quando começavam a forjar um vínculo verdadeiro, uma notícia ameaçou deitar por terra aquele conto de fadas.
Data de lançamento1 de mar. de 2015
O príncipe sonhado

Kate Hewitt

Kate Hewitt discovered her first Mills & Boon romance on a trip to England when she was thirteen and she's continued to read them ever since. She wrote her first story at the age of five, simply because her older brother had written one and she thought she could do it, too. That story was one sentence long-fortunately, they've become a bit more detailed as she's grown older. Although she was raised in Pennsylvania, she spent summers and holidays at her family's cottage in rural Ontario, Canada; picking raspberries, making maple syrup and pretending to be a pioneer. Now her children are enjoying roaming the same wilderness! She studied drama in college and shortly after graduation moved to New York City to pursue a career in theatre. This was derailed by something far better-meeting the man of her dreams who happened also to be her older brother's childhood friend. Ten days after their wedding they moved to England, where Kate worked a variety of different jobs-drama teacher, editorial assistant, church youth worker, secretary and finally mother. When her oldest daughter was one year old, she sold her first short story to a British magazine, The People's Friend. Since then she has written many stories and serials as well as novels. She loves writing stories that celebrate the healing and redemptive power of love and there's no better way of doing it than through the romance genre! Besides writing, she enjoys reading, traveling and learning to knit-it's an ongoing process and she's made a lot of scarves. After living in England for six years, she now resides in Connecticut with her husband, an Anglican minister, her three young children and the possibility of one day getting a dog. Kate loves to hear from readers.

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