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Sport and social inclusion in contexts of vulnerability: an ethnographic approach
Sport and social inclusion in contexts of vulnerability: an ethnographic approach
Sport and social inclusion in contexts of vulnerability: an ethnographic approach
E-book235 páginas3 horas

Sport and social inclusion in contexts of vulnerability: an ethnographic approach

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This work possesses the singular importance for the understanding of the fundamental and principle concepts of social inclusion. The institution, FAMFS - Fundação de Apoio ao Cidadão e Mobilização Social, situated in Feira Santana, in the state of Bahia, Brazil, was chosen as the -case study-. The results of this work filled important gaps in related studies to social inclusion associated with the provision of sports and other parallel actions. This is an interesting ethnographic study with documentary analysis, filled with interviews that punctuate the perception of results through the experiences of those involved. This work has made an effective contribution to the debate on the indispensable use of knowledge about public policies and their relation with the Third Sector. It presents a worthwhile investigative process which has resulted in a rich source of content for researchers, public managers and social agents who want to use sport as an instrument to promote social inclusion.
Prof. Dr. André Luiz Teixeira Reis
Associate Professor I
School of Physical Education
University of Brasilia - Brazil

This book is a true moment of joy and recognition, offering society inspiring learning that motivates us to transform everything contained in this work into actions, in practices to offer our contributions, seeking humanity with more equality in offering opportunities, since, from there, everyone will be able to develop their potential and allow others what was offered to them. Easy to understand, but deepening in the theme, "Sport and Social Inclusion in contexts of vulnerability: an ethnographic approach", makes us reflect on the role that every citizen must assume to enable similar opportunities for individuals to be able to develop their potentialities, and more, that they also become agents of change, offering the same chances to others. At the moment that we are going through a pandemic that severely widens inequalities, this work arrives in time to inspire and instigate the reader for an activity that will be a differential element in overcoming this sad period.
Prof. Dr. Paulo Henrique Azevêdo
Associate Professor IV
School of Physical Education
Research Laboratory on Sport Management - GESPORTE
University of Brasilia - Brazil
Data de lançamento29 de mar. de 2021
Sport and social inclusion in contexts of vulnerability: an ethnographic approach

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    Sport and social inclusion in contexts of vulnerability - Renildo Rossi Júnior



    How can we measure the importance of a job?

    A paper is important, among other reasons, when it is enough to inspire a researcher to investigate it scientifically as a doctoral topic. When it is enough to instigate your guidance by renowned researchers like Prof. Dr. Antonino Manuel de Almeida Pereira, from the Department of Sport Sciences and Motricity, from the Escola Superior de Educação, from the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, Portugal, and Prof. Dr.ª Roselene Cássia de Alencar Silva, from the Department of Anthropology and Ethnology at the Federal University of Bahia, which are academic researchers of high carat.

    Thus, Dr. Renildo Rossi Júnior found the combination of essential factors to investigate the relevant project developed by FAMFS - Foundation for Support to Citizens and Social Mobilization, from Feira de Santana, in Bahia - Brazil.

    At the end of the doctorate comes Sport and Social Inclusion in contexts of vulnerability: an ethnographic approach, an essential work in the library of all who understand the role of serious, perennial, inclusive, universal, and accessible practical actions, which contribute to the development of a more just and egalitarian society.

    In 2011, in a partnership between the University of Brasília (UnB) and FAMFS, largely due to the performance of Prof. Dr. André Luiz Teixeira Reis, I met FAMFS and worked on the qualification of professionals in this project. It was there that I realized the relevance and breadth of the actions developed, which surpassed the institutional walls and strictly served an entire extensive community. If this project was able to demonstrate to the UnB rectory its relevance and positive impact generated for a large population, it also generated interest from researchers who invested their knowledge in the professional qualification of the participants, and in the proposal to multiply agents, and left no doubt about the efficacy and the effectiveness of these actions for a community in need, and one very interested in overcoming challenges and becoming a generator of its own livelihood and in conditions of permanent progress.

    It is important to highlight that, at that moment, Dr. Renildo was there, acting and offering his knowledge, experience, and professional competence to FAMFS and he dared to research and show the planet everything that is done daily by this institution, and thus, this work presents itself, now, from Feira de Santana, in Bahia, to the world.

    Social work that leads people to acquire skills, to be autonomous, and to produce for themselves, their families, and for society, in general, is the best way to have a country with fewer inequalities and growth based on the production and gain of and for all. This reduces the need for permanent action by the State to combat poverty, with the possibility of investing in projects that address the expansion of quality of life, including health benefits, the expansion of professional qualifications, the practice of sport, and leisure for the whole society. Unlike countless projects that offer the basic conditions for the assisted, FAMFS receives the citizen, performs initial guidance, detects potentialities, offers training and qualification, which culminate in actions that greatly multiply the number of people who are able to be protagonists in their lives. The interesting thing is that many end up passing on knowledge and generating a virtuous cycle of social development.

    This book is a true moment of joy and recognition, offering society inspiring learning that motivates us to transform everything contained in this work into actions, in practices to offer our contributions, seeking humanity with more equality in offering opportunities, since, from there, everyone will be able to develop their potential and allow others what was offered to them.

    Easy to understand, but deepening in the theme, Sport and Social Inclusion in contexts of vulnerability: an ethnographic approach makes us reflect on the role that every citizen must assume to enable similar opportunities for individuals to be able to develop their potentialities, and more, that they also become agents of change, offering the same chances to others. At the moment that we are going through a pandemic that severely widens inequalities, this work arrives in time to inspire and instigate the reader for an activity that will be a differential element in overcoming this sad period.

    Congratulations and long life to FAMFS.

    Congratulations to Prof. Dr. Antonino Manuel de Almeida Pereira,

    Congratulations to Prof.ª Dr.ª Roselene Cássia de Alencar Silva,

    Congratulations to Dr. Renildo Rossi Júnior, a true gentleman and knight in a constant battle for social justice.

    Prof. Dr. Paulo Henrique Azevêdo

    Associate Professor IV

    School of Physical Education

    Research Laboratory on Sport Management – GESPORTE

    University of Brasilia - Brazil


    This work is based on an investigation that gave rise to a doctoral thesis in sports sciences. It was presented and publicly defended on 6th January 2016, at the University Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro UTAD (Vila Real, Portugal). It was validated, on 13th September, 2017, jointly with the Graduate Programme of the School of Physical Education at the University of São Paulo – USP. Some adjustments and updates were made, along with a more current bibliography.

    The research project, marked ‘experience report’, was awarded in 2010, by the Federal Government. Brazil’s Sports and Leisure Prize for Social Inclusion, second edition, through the Ministry of Sport, sought to encourage, support and value technical, scientific, and pedagogical initiatives that present contributions and subsidies for the qualification of inclusive public sports and leisure.

    In October 2011, as celebration of our project, there was an invitation to an event in São Paulo, promoted by the Sports Secretary of the Municipality. This took place in the Legislative State Assembly. From 2014 to 2020, it was noticed that articles, related to the thesis of our project, were published in both national and international magazines. It is possible to find more information on the website, Sports Management Research Laboratory, GESPORTE, the Physical Education Faculty, Brasilia University.

    The field research took place at the Fundação de Apoio ao Cidadão e Mobilização Social (Foundation to Support Citizens and Social Mobilization). FAMFS is a non-profit organisation, with headquarters in Feira de Santana, a Brazilian municipality in the interior of the State of Bahia, in the Northeast Region of the country. Feira de Santana is 108 kilometres from Salvador to which it is connected via the BR-324. It is a city lacking social organisation and the promotion of public policies, whether rural or urban.

    The participant-observation occurred between 2011 and 2013, and involved participating in directive, administrative, and travelling meetings for sports tournaments. Access was given to a vast institutional database, which included documents produced between 1987 through to 2013. The documentary analysis also included an electronic database, with information dated 1995 and 2013.

    Between the days of 3rd July and 5th August, 2012, there were 27 interviews involving three groups of interviewees: beneficiaries, technicians and directors (former and/or current). The interviews took place in the cities of Feira de Santana, Salvador and São Gonçalo de Feira, Bahia State, Brazil.

    On 24th August, 2011, we accompanied a delegation from the Sports Ministry with a Federal District film crew, during the training of public servants from El Salvador, in the programme, Pintando a Liberdade e Cidadania (Painting Freedom and Citizenship), in Feira de Santana. The initiative was the result of an agreement between Brazil and El Salvador, with the objective of implementing a programme unit in Central America.

    Also recorded was a visit by the Brazilian Football Institute, on technique – based in Boca Raton, Palm Beach County, South Florida, USA, which resulted in a Sports exchange; Brazil vs the United States. In the same period, we also participated in the Brazilian Football Festival BFF, 2011. FAMFS was responsible for the production of the sporting material, and the marketing of the products allowed young athletes to take part in the tournament, in the State of São Paulo.

    Searching to understand how FAMFS agreements and partnerships were formed with the government, we were informed about a meeting with Rei Pelé (King Pelé), as the Extraordinary Minister of Sport. In 1995, there was an event in the city of Goiânia, State of Goiás (Brazil) where FAMFS represented the State of Bahia, in the opening parade, with a capoeira presentation performed by disabled people.

    Pelé, the King, approached the group from Feira de Santana, touched, saying that he had never seen anything like it. There were disabled children and adolescents who had dragged themselves to perform capoeira: It was an apotheosis! They presented the Minister with a T-shirt and a berimbau. This moment created future opportunities for the implementation of the Projeto Esporte Solidário, (Supportive Sports Project), in Feira de Santana, in 1996.

    Although the initial focus of the research was the programme, Pintando a Liberdade e Cidadania, FAMFS’s other actions could not be ignored, especially because of the possibility of providing a broader analysis of the phenomenon of sport. On one hand, we could lose an exhaustive and detailed study of a unique programme. On the other, we would not be able to see the wood for the trees.

    Unforeseen events happen! We were on the BR-324 when an air conditioning problem caused the bus to stop. It was necessary to inform Feira de Santana about our late arrival.

    It was 17th July, 2012, when we arrived at Menor Farm, in the neighbourhood of Aviário – Feira de Santana, at around 7:30 am. Interviews were carried out with project technicians and directors of the cooperative responsible for the production of FAMFS sporting materials. During our morning departure, we recorded the children and adolescents, on their morning break, walking outside the Juíza Lourdes Trindade School.

    We went to the stadium and watched young people playing football, and others who were doing capoeira, when we were approached by the team coach. He was asked to talk about his experience at FAMFS. The coach said that he was given an opportunity to be the person he had become; one who helps young people to learn things, things that he did not know at their age. He added that he never dreamed he would be who he now was.

    For this person, the benefit of the project was not financial, but rather, that of being in a position to help others. He enthusiastically recalled his first international trip to Rome, Italy. He said he had travelled to sports tournaments in various places in Brazil, such as: Brasilia, Belo Horizonte, São Paulo, in addition to neighbouring cities, for example, Vitória da Conquista.

    He recalled that in the past he had lived on the streets and slept amongst lots of drug users, but a person took him in and placed him in the FAMFS. Smiling radiantly, he remarked that he was recognised worldwide for his remarkable progress!

    The end of the fieldwork was approaching. While making one more trip to Feira de Santana, we were reminded of the previous occasions. We had participated in several Foundation meetings and activities; there were countless experiences in participant-observation, and we had access to a vast organisational database.

    We were told that factories generated employment and income for families in areas of social vulnerability, close to Menor Farm; ex-interns went to France, with the ASTRO team of the Escola da Formação de Atletas (School for Forming Athletes), in the ‘98 World Cup. One of the beneficiaries interviewed said he was only 9 years old when he travelled, in 1998.

    It was 5th August, and we were sitting on the grass, at Menor Farm. To our left was the sporting goods factory and the multi-sport gym. It was pointed out that the biscuit factory produced and distributed snacks to the Segundo Tempo (Second Half) programme, in more than 140 cities in Bahia.

    It was decided that the scripted interview should be abandoned and in an emotional speech, a young man stated that the first thing he did when he entered the sports material factory, was to watch the people working. He had it in his head that when he grew up, he would learn everything there. He came to FAMFS as an 8-year-old, grew up and studied there, to finally become an instructor at the factory, however, he made it clear that he did not like to play football.

    It is claimed that, giving a ball to a sad person ensures that sadness soon disappears. The young factory instructor professed delight when he loaded up the truck to distribute material to the Segundo Tempo programme. Upon arriving at a house where the family had nothing to eat, the child had smiled when given a ball, but the instructor cried because he could not bear to see a hungry family; to arrive and to receive a gift that had not been earned…and not to have money to buy…so, he said, he was crying.

    The impact of FAMFS’s actions is evident in the report of key informants. Nonetheless, it is imperative to think about effective public policies, since wanting to give a ball does not mean structurally resolving that family’s life. Hence, the importance of establishing partnerships between public authorities (municipal, state, and federal levels), the private sector and non-profit organisations, as in the case study, in order to guarantee the provision of minimum living conditions, in compliance to the principle of human dignity.

    Coincidentally ... at this very moment ... the band, which was rehearsing in front of the administration room, sounded the drums. The sound was becoming louder and louder…. It was time to thank and finish the fieldwork. The time had come to return to the office, and reflect upon the experience in participant-observation used throughout this ethnographic research.

    On December 17, 2020, the first edition of this book (Portuguese version) took place. The event took place online, through the Zoom platform, in partnership with the Sports Management Research Laboratory - GESPORTE, from the University of Brasília, Brazil, and was attended by the distinguished presence of personalities from Brazil and Portugal.

    The book now published, translated into English by Professor Maria Stewart, aims to expand its dissemination, particularly in international terms, and includes the Preface prepared by Professor Doctor Paulo Henrique Azevêdo.


    There are several events and documents of an international nature that highlight the enormous potential of sport. The International Year of Sport and Physical Education 2005 (proclaimed by the United Nations), The White Paper on Sport (European Commission, 2007), are examples of this.

    Sport has a significant impact in modern society. Public interest in elite sports is immense. Events such as the Olympic Games and the World Football Championship, attract the presence of millions of people from around the world, and as such, sports’ individual and social potential is immense. From another perspective, sport can be a factor in moral education, the development of community values and social integration.

    Several authors have reflected on this theme. In this regard, Monteiro, and Garcia (2016, p.39) affirmed that, the Olympic Games stem from a very old institution which, throughout its trajectory, has brought tribes, people, nations, and the whole world together. Furthermore, it has reduced social, economic, and religious distances, built bridges between the past, the present and the future, it was a source of inspiration for joy, love, and passion, elevating the human body and soul and transporting it to its sacred, mythical, and ritual dimension.

    On the other hand, talking about the Olympics, or Olympism, is

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